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Nunthorpe Parish Council

Nunthorpe Parish Council

Town and parish councils are the first level of local government. They provide communities with a democratic voice and a structure for taking community action. They also work towards improving community wellbeing, and providing better services.

Middlesbrough has two parish councils - Nunthorpe is one, and Stainton and Thornton is the other. They are independent of the council, but work closely with us on issues which affect their communities.

Nunthorpe parish council website

Visit the official website for Nunthorpe parish council dedicated to the residents of Nunthorpe and a one-stop-shop for information on all aspects of community life.


Meetings of Nunthorpe parish council usually take place on the first Wednesday of each month at the Institute. The meetings generally start at 7pm. Any change of dates and timing, if necessary, will be advertised on the NPC notice boards in Nunthorpe and Nunthorpe village. Parish council meetings are open to the public.

The council chairman does have the power to exclude the public from part of a meeting if he judges that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest or because of the confidential nature of the business to be discussed, but this happens very rarely. In practice, you're very welcome to attend parish council meetings.

Members of the public have no right to speak at parish council meetings unless the council authorises this. In practice, if you've got a constructive point to make about what's going on in Nunthorpe then the council will invariably give you an opportunity to make that point.

Agendas and minutes of the parish council meetings are also available.


If you'd like any further information about the parish council, or would like to bring anything to the council's attention, please contact:

Angela Livingstone
Clerk to Nunthorpe Parish Council
Phone: 01642 274283
Email: clerk@nunthorpepc.org.uk
Post: 1 Muirfield, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough, TS7 0JN